Jigsaw Phonics Membership

Tutor Like a Pro!

🧩 for phonics teachers and early literacy educators 🧩

how to start a phonics tutoring business

👇🏽freebie alert

Hello, I'm Sandra - welcome to the 

Jigsaw Phonics Membership

Are you a phonics and early literacy teacher or educator?

Is tutoring on your radar as a career option, including as a way to exit the classroom?

Then you are in the right place for help to build your tutoring business quickly and professionally so you can teach on your terms, build a life you love and rule your own world!👑

But of course I'd say that! 

So instead of listening to me, click to find out what members are saying about the Jigsaw Phonics membership ...

"But what tools do I even need to get my business started? "

It's one of the most-asked questions we get. 

So here's the inside info on
the top 5 FREE tools you need
to run your tutoring businesses smoothly ...

 ... and keep your startup costs down!

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